Friday, September 18, 2009

Fall has really come to the "Thumb" of Michigan. The temperatures are dropping into the low forties at night and the trees are changing colors. The only thing that is missing is the rain. I've been trying to get out as much as I can to photograph the fall flowers. Here are some of my favorites. Heath (Many Flowered) Asters

Monarch on Goldenrod

Smooth Asters

New England Asters and Goldenrod

The Martin Family Photo

I have to so this picture so you can see that some pictures did come out nice.

  • I don't know if any of you watch the Ellen Show, but she has a segment she calls bad pictures we pay for. People e-mail the show pictures of crying children on Santa's lap, or bad school pictures, to Glamour Shots. Any kind of picture that you actually paid someone to take. Well this picture fits the bill and could probably make the show. My daughter-in-law Amanda and her best friend Ashley took their children to Sears to get their pictures taken. At some point Joseph, "Wee Man", he had had enough and decided he didn't want to pose anymore, and he showed just how he felt by making a face. I still laugh every time I look at this picture.

    Gena and Wee were definitely not ready when this picture was taken!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Jordan's Big Day

Jordan was the ring bearer for Amanda's girlfriend's wedding last Saturday. His big day started at 8:00 am. While the women of the wedding party fixed their hair and got dressed, Jordan and Madalyn, the shy flower girl played, looked at hair style magazines, and snacked together. When the big moment came Jordan and Madalyn did a great job. We're so proud of our Buddy! Madalyn peeks around the door to see what is going on.

Buddy is a great bubble blower.

The Bride and Groom walked through a shower of bubbles