Sunday, October 25, 2009

Aubrey's Third Birthday Party

On Saturday October twenty-fourth Aubrey turned three years old. Since her birthday is so close to Halloween the party goers came dressed in their costumes. Fun was had by all!
Aubrey, 3/ Gena, 6 /Jordan, 5/ and Sophia 21 months (little Joseph didn't want to dress up and was being antisocial)

When Joe and I came into the living room Rylin, 16 months (that was dressed as a bee) made a bee line right to papa and stayed with him for about a half hour. I guess she gets enough of grandma during the week.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Harrisville State Campground

Joe and I decided to go to Harrisville State Park the weekend of October 10th for one last get away of the season. We picked this park because it is right on Lake Huron. In fact you can park your camper right up to where the beach begins. The only problem we could find with this facility was that they don't allow dogs on the beach. We found this out only after we set up camp and decided to take Harley for a walk by the lake. We got about twenty yards down the beach and ran into, (not literally), a great big sign that read, "No glass or dogs allowed on the beach." Well, needless to say we were kind of surprised to read this because we saw at least three other dogs out there running around without a leashes on. At least Harley was on a lead. So we did what any law abiding citizen would do, we kept walking. We quickly found out that we should have brought our long underwear, with temperatures in the high thirty's combined with the winds off the lake, we were freezing. Even Harley was shivering! We still enjoyed ourselves and will go back there again, (when it's warmer), since it's only two and a half hours from our house. Ah, warmer weather, that sounds nice doesn't?

Monday, October 19, 2009

Birds and Blooms "October Challenge"

On October first I entered the Birds and Blooms online October challenge and these two pictures were excepted and appeared on the first page for a week. To say I was thrilled would be an understatement. They have since excepted eight more of my photographs!